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Let's talk about Serious Games

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This talk will explain the concept of serious games and address some of the challenges of using them.

In particular, the talk will give an example of how games and game design can be used to reshape a museum tour and the concerns associated with the fact that everyone is not a gamer and all gamers are not alike.

The talk will also provide some examples of affective gaming, that is how to understand user experiences by psychophysiological reactions.



Per Backlund holds a PhD from Stockholm University and is currently a Professor of Information Technology at University of Skövde. He has been an active researcher in the field of serious games since 2005 with a specialization in game based and simulation based training.

Per has had the role of Project Manager and Principal Investigator in several research projects in serious games applications for different application areas such as traffic education, rescue services training and prehospital medicine.


Evento Anterior: 30 de julio
The Responsibility Process®
Evento Posterior: 13 de agosto
Intro a Journey Mapping