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Design bikablo poster templates


For the first time, bikablo founder, trainer and specialist writer Martin Haussmann will do an introduction to designing poster templates based on the new visual dictionary „bikablo posters“!

Many visual thinkers and practitioners find it challenging to conceive large visualizations on the flipchart, pin board or even graphic wall. In this meetup, hosted by NaveLab, the bikablo trainer team of Peru, Martin will explain his approach to create a concept, choose a pictorial world or metaphor and then sketch out a poster design for presentation or group work. afterwards the participants have the opportunity to try this out in small breakout groups. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

„bikablo posters“ is the new visual dictionary available at It brings to you 130 fresh and ready-to-use poster designs for group work, presentation, Graphic Recording and Visual Storytelling.

Bring your markers and paper for this co-creation session and put your cameras on to meet people from all over the world.

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Martin Haussmann is a visual facilitator, author and trainer. He is a co-director of bikablo® company for visual thinking, learning and collaboration, a 60-person-trainer team that offers visualization services and empowers more than 6000 people per year around the world to think with the pen.

As the inventor of the bikablo® visualization technique, Martin publishes bestselling visual dictionaries and learning tools. His passion is exploring new techniques, models and methods for developing and systemizing visual facilitation. He lives with his wife, son and cat in Cologne, Germany.

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Evento Anterior: 9 de diciembre
PITCH360 Narrativas de negocio potentes
Evento Posterior: 12 de enero
Liderazgo, Jazz & Agilidad