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Plan A to Z :: Designing Your Future with Lettering by Your Side

  • Miraflores, Lima Perú (mapa)
Visual Thinking (3).png

When you visualize the future, where do you see yourself? In this 90 minutes session we will letter together using a stylized letterform that has been used by designers and architects along with a simple Bikablo template and icons to design a future of our own. 

Working sketchbook size to start, we will letter and draw together using a vision and strategy technique you may want to continue to explore after the session. 

“See the future and your place in it.” - Carlos Slim Helu

*Participants will have free access to Heather’s course How to Letter like an Architect and 25% discounts on a selection of other courses.

**Have your markers and sketchnote (or paper)… ready!




Heather Leavitt Martinez is a visual practitioner, art coach and lettering artist living in Durango, Colorado. After studying with master sign painters, graffiti artists, and calligraphers—which she continues to do today—Heather decided to translate what she learned to teach other visual practitioners the tradecraft of breaking down any lettering styles into the professional tools they use in their work. Heather believes that what we write on the wall is more than mere handwriting—letters are the building blocks of communication.

Neuland Ambassador, Heather’s recent book, “Lettering Journey” was inspired by her North American cross-country trip. You can sign up for her free online course Unlock Your Neuland Markers and other offerings at

Evento Anterior: 25 de junio
Intro a Serious Games
Evento Posterior: 17 de julio
Innovando en tiempos de incertidumbre