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Bikablo Thought Sketching

Visual Thinking (1).png

Let's join us to explore how visuals can help you in your work.

In this short 90-minute session, you will learn the basics of the bikablo® visualization technique.

We will share with you a series of activities where you will learn how to express visually and we will think together how to use this tool in your work with groups, teams and organizations.

There is no need to have an artistic talent, “visualization” is not about art is about having a better understanding of information, ideas and concepts.



Maaike is a Certified Bikablo Global Trainer for The Netherlands and she is passionate about working visually and facilitating empowerment.

As an experienced team- and project manager in the social work field, she is well known for her enthusiasm and creative approach on tough issues. She facilitates and inspires individuals and groups to realize their dreams, trusting on their on assets and resources.

Fan a flame (the translation of her company de Aanblazer) is about the process when there is a spark of inspiration, all that is needed is adding oxygen and fuel so that that big fire of inspiration can start. Visualization feels like breathing for Maaike. She enjoys , it helps her to express herself, but most importantly to support others to visually express themselves so that connections can be build.

Maaike loves art, good food, her family and being outdoors.


Evento Anterior: 9 de setiembre
Ciclo Scrum y Management 3.0
Evento Posterior: 3 de noviembre
Hablemos sobre Graphic Recording